Connecting Creatives: Building and Sustaining Effective Networks


Saturday 15th March,

10am to 1pm, on Zoom. 

This half day course aims to equip micro businesses and freelancers in the cultural sector with the skills needed to establish and maintain effective networks. Participants will explore existing networks such as the Cultural Voice Forum (and others across West Yorkshire), identifying how they can leverage these to create smaller, sustainable sub-networks that promote collaboration and growth within the creative community and their own personal development and practice.

Course Structure

Total Duration: 3 Hours

Format: Online Workshop with Interactive Elements

Tools Used: Zoom (for brainstorming and collaboration), Trello (for idea sharing)

Training Objectives

1. Understanding the value of networking in the cultural sector.

2. Learning the process of establishing and maintaining networks and sub-networks.

3. Developing skills to engage effectively with existing forums and groups.

4. Creating a sustainable networking action plan.

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Session Breakdown


Introduction (15 minutes)

Welcome and Icebreaker

Introductions for myself, the course, and the participants

Icebreaker Activity: ‘Finding Connections’ – Participants are paired up and play word games to find common connections between themselves.


Part 1: What Networks?


Intro to areas of focus for networks (15 mins)

·      Industry (e.g. Museums Association)

·      Subject Specialist (e.g. Oral History Society, Social History Curators Group)

·      Geographic (YVAN, CVF)

·      Advocacy and representation (e.g. Museum Detox)

·      Project/Event (e.g. Bradford 2025)

·      NB: They can have more than one focus!

Interactive (15 mins)

Brainstorm of networks participants know on Trello board, organised by type of network

Go through the networks listed


Break: 15 mins


Part 2: Why Network?


Key principles for establishing a network (15 mins)

·      What’s the focus?

·      What does this network do than an established one isn’t catering for?

·      What size does the network need to be to achieve its goals?

·      How does the network serve its members? Events? Comms? Discussion groups? Training? Opportunities?

Interactive (30 mins)

Working in groups, participants take one of the networks on the Trello board and answer the questions raised above, then present them back.


Break: 15 mins


Part 3: Our Network


Key principles for maintaining a network (20 mins)

·      Communicating with members

·      What do participants get out of being part of the network?  

·      When does a network link up with other networks?

Interactive (20 mins)

Participants are split into groups and explore what a network that served their group members might be. 



Conclusion (20 minutes)

Summary of Key Points


Resources and Additional Readings

Final Thoughts: Participants share one key takeaway from the course