Care-full creativity:


Resilient Practices that Sustain Wellbeing and Creativity for Cultural Sector Freelancers

Date: Thursday 10th April 2025 - please note change of date

Time: 10:00-16:00

6.5 hours (including breaks and lunch - vegetarian with vegan and gluten free options available)

Freelancers in the cultural sector, particularly those engaged in public-facing work, face unique challenges that impact their wellbeing, creativity, and professional longevity. The demands of public engagement, and the need to balance creativity with work-life responsibilities can contribute to high levels of stress and burnout. 

How can cultural sector freelancers develop resilient practices that maintain wellbeing and sustain creativity? Designed for practitioners with a public engagement element to their work, this training will better equip practitioners within their day-to-day work by providing advice, guidance, tools and methods to maintain a regenerative and restorative creative practice, including the maintenance of professional boundaries.

Delivered by: Coach, Creative and Artist Michaela Lesayova and artist, curator and writer Alice Bradshaw.

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Face to face session delivered at a DDA compliant venue Elsie Whiteley Innovation Centre, The Piece Hall Room

You can use ‘what 3 words’ to find the exact location, these are: reward.pounds.riches


The Elsie Whiteley Innovation Centre,
Hopwood Lane,
West Yorkshire,

Car parking is limited to a visitor car park under the flyover, directly opposite the main entrance. Car park places are allocated on a first come first serve basis.